Gone Tomorrow

Gone Tomorrow - Lee Child One late night (or early morning) while travelling on a subway, Jack Reacher observes his fellow passengers in the subway car. One of the passengers, a lady, fits in a perfect profile of a suicide bomber. Reacher decides to confront her only to have her kill herself and set a chain of events into motion. Few authorities feel that Reacher knows more than he is revealing and have him followed while Reacher encounters a variety of characters. Some are beautiful, some are powerful, some are corrupt, some are rich, some are influential and some are real good bad guys. But they all have one thing in common – they are all lying to Reacher. Will Reacher be able to bring an end to the events that he inadvertently set into motion?

The answer is yes, of course! Did you ever doubt it? If you have read Reacher before then you shouldn’t have had a single ounce of doubt about Reacher’s capabilities. If you haven’t read Reacher before, well what are you doing reading this review? I can assure you that my reviews cannot do justice to the enigma that Reacher is – so just go and pick up one of his adventures right now.

This particular story is set in New York, making the playing field much more glamorous and dangerous at the same time. This is not any small town that Reacher is passing through. This is New York – the city that never sleeps and the city that is a home to the most powerful and influential people. And Reacher’s action has affects a lot of plans made not only in New York, but also in Washington and Afghanistan. So this time the game gets bigger and more dangerous with a lot of people’s plans and life on the line.

Lee Child’s easygoing style of narration has always been one of the highlights of the series. It is no different this time. While his writing often alternates between first person and third person, I am glad that this was one of the books that he had decided to write in first person. It gave us a chance to get into Reacher’s psyche once again – seeing what and how he sees things and knowing what he is thinking gave this book a nice edge.

This is now my second Jack Reacher favourite (first is Die Trying) – thoroughly enjoyed the mystery, the thrills and the intrigue. Go people – get your hands and paws on this one.