Rapunzel Untangled

Rapunzel Untangled - Cindy C. Bennett Earlier I wasn’t really a big fan of ‘Retellings’. Then I read Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine and Jane by April Lindner and I changed my mind. When I came across this book on NetGalley I just had to request it. I mean who doesn’t like Rapunzel and who hasn’t seen Tangled? To my surprise, my request was granted and I quickly delved into the book.

Right from the foreword by the author and the prologue you know that this is going to be a darker version of the fairy tale.

A seventeen year old Rapunzel is restricted within the boundaries of her suite rooms because of rare disease that makes her vulnerable to any form of germ/virus/bacteria. Hence she has only ever known her mother and the world through her books. She had been made to believe that she was a part of a prophecy and that she was a vital part as her magic hair would one day help save the world. It’s in human nature to be curious about the unknown and Rapunzel is no exception. She is curious about the world outside her window. Thankfully, she has a computer and internet as a necessary part of her education and that turns into a source to quench her thirst to know more about the rest of the world. One day she discovers facebook and Fab Fane through it and her own little world changes forever. Fab Fane introduces her to Lord of the Rings, Pizza, M&Ms, sneaking out and encourages her curiosity about not only the world outside but also about her own life.

It was interesting to see a modern day Rapunzel who had access to the internet and used it to her advantage. The characters were really well developed and the modern day Rapunzel retained most of her original charm – the innocence, the beauty and the certain fragility about her. But at the end of the day her presence of mind, will power and inner strength helps her fight through the situations. Fane is really a ‘fab’ boy. He had every opportunity to take advantage of Rapunzel’s innocence and yet he becomes a true friend to Rapunzel. He showed patience and wit, two qualities that I simply adore. His family is also a friendly bunch. Gothel on the other hand was someone who genuinely freaked me out. Though her behavior was normal most of the time, right from the first chapter I thought that she was really creepy!

The Author, Cindy C.Bennet, kept the story flowing through her simple words and even though I knew how the story would end, I was glued to the book wanting to know more about the different aspects of Gothel’s motivation and how the ‘happily ever after’ would be pulled off. Overall, reading this book was quite an enjoyable experience. If not ‘The Best’, this Retelling is certainly one of the top few.