Narrative Loserdom: From Journal One

This book is a journal of a teenager named Justin Taggart. Like any average teenage boy, his narrations include about school, homework, friends, money, work and yes of course, girls! He has an exciting life and he seems to have an affinity for getting into trouble along with his best friend Adam. Then there is this girl that he is ‘in love’ with but feels that she is unaware of his existence.
The idea that a teenage guy would maintain a journal is somewhat unusual, but it was just a ‘party’ to read it! The best part of this book is that it is very true to life and something we can relate to. Also, Justin’s (or should I say Ryan’s?) sense of humour is simply great. I laughed aloud almost throughout the book. It is pretty well written.
What I didn’t like was that the entries were too far apart towards and Justin’s relationship with Sterling was very abrupt.