Dies Irae

Dies Irae - Christine Fonseca This is an introductory Novella to the Author’s Requiem Series…

The author gets to the point and into the plot right from the beginning. It is narrated alternately between Mikayel and Azza. It is really a wonder to read two completely different reactions to human emotions. Mikayel tries to ignore it but cannot and Azza actually feels strengthened by it. But they do not really get much time to deal with it as they come across ‘Jinns’ who are not really in the mood to be sidelined by these angels or to keep the peace. As for Demi, she realizes what she wants and what is right are two complete different things – how she deals with it is really mind-blowing!

Since this is a novella, I was expecting it to be a fast read. And it is! Not only because of its length, but also because of its action packed nature. It is filled with action, emotion and drama! The last chapter has a big surprise waiting for its readers…

It has created a great base for the Series to be built on and I, for one, am going to get my hands on Lacrimosa (Requiem #1) as soon as possible. I am quite sure that it is going to be as intense and dark as the introduction.