The Secret of Spruce Knoll

The story revolves around Eren and Aiden. Eren, whose parents are recently killed, moves to Spruce Knoll to live with her aunt. Moving from a big city to a small town, Eren was in for surprises. But the basic difference was nothing compared to the much darker secrets of the town and the people living in it. But it is also where she first meets Aiden. Also an orphan, Aiden had grown up with his adoptive family and had a few secrets of his own. Together, Eren and Aiden work through whatever is thrown at them.
The best part of the story is, not the plot and not the magic (though I loved them both) but the relationships portrayed. Eren and Aiden’s relationship is totally ‘dreamy’ (that’s the only word I can come up with to try and explain it) and Eren’s relationship with her aunt is also amazing. Now coming to the second and third best parts of the story, the plot is just amazing and so is the magic described in this book. It is only after coming to Spruce Knoll that Eren realizes that she has magical ability. I love the way Heather has developed her character and portrayed her dealing with this ‘gift/ability’. Besides the protagonists, the author has also created a few very lovable characters – like Sylvia and Fane.
I had started reading this book with the thought – a place called ‘Spruce Knoll’ – seriously? But now I love it simply because it has grown on me along with the characters and the plot of the book. It’s unique and special, just like the book!