Taking Shots

Elli is an average person, like the girl next door – someone we can easily identify with. She used to be a size 2 Broadway star till she fell sick with thyroid. With her increasing weight, she lost her career, her boyfriend and her self-confidence. Though she managed to bounce back, get her weight under control and set up her photography studio, she became conscious of her new size -8. Her relationship too left scars in her heart – as did the sickness on her body. So when she meets Shea, she finds it difficult to believe in him. Shea Adler is a hunk of a hockey player. He has had his share of ‘fun’. But when he sees Elli for the first time he falls for her. As the story progresses, he slowly realizes what she means to him and does everything to win her trust and love. He is a very caring and romantic character. But what stood out the most was his level of patience with Elli. He sure is a keeper!
Though I kind of understood where it was coming from, I often lost patience with Elli’s insecurities. She had been happy and successful in her life when all of a sudden she not only fell sick but also lost everything that she had been working towards. To top that off, an abusive relationship can really cause damage to a person’s confidence level. Even then I felt that her insecurities kind of dragged the story little longer than necessary. That was the only thing that did not work out for me. Otherwise, the plot is a good one and so are the characters. I particularly liked Shea’s family.
I sure hope that Ms.Toni is going to write Jakob’s story soon...