The Maze Runner

Thomas seems like a very strong character from the very beginning. Landing up in a different world with no memories of his life so far is bound to confuse and scare people. Thomas takes it all in a stride, well better than rest of the Gladers anyway, and starts to learn the ropes in his new environment. Teresa’s arrival is well into the story and she spends most of her time in a coma. So, we do not see or hear much about her. But man when she awakes – she plays a very crucial role. There are a quite a few other people who plays important roles in this book. Newt is an ex-runner. Minho is the current leader of the runner. Frypan is the keeper of the kitchen and Alby is the leader of the Glade. All these boys are very brave and likeable. But for some reason I liked Gally too. He seems a bit crazy towards the beginning and is angry with Thomas, but his last action in the book really redeemed him.
James Dashner has built an awesome world of his own with the Glade. Though it is a bit slow at the beginning, the story has an amazing plot with great characters and a hell lot of twists. I guess the slow start was a necessity to build the setting, the plot and the characters not only for this book but also for the sequels. The dark secrets, the flashes of memories, the horrible creatures in the maze, the ‘trigger’… everything has a purpose in this book. This book has a lot of action, drama and the bonds created in the Glade.
This book elicited similar reaction from as The Hunger Games and now that I look back on both the first books in the Trilogy, I personally think that the Maze Runner Series has a lot of promise.