Antique Forgery (Alicia Trent #2)

In Antique Magic, a prediction is made by the clock that Alicia would be the one to discover her friend’s dead body. So, Antique forgery takes off with Alicia worried about the prediction while preparing to go evaluate the jewellery collection that Janice and Arthur Darnell have recently inherited. Janice, a friend of her mother, has been a constant in Alicia’s life while growing up - one who has been there for her and her mother through thick and thin. So, when Alicia discovers her friend, Kendra’s lifeless body in the Darnell’s living room, her worst fear came true. Aiming to get justice for her friend’s death and some amount of closure, Alicia tries to piece together the clues that she can find, while more bodies are dropping around her and secrets are unveiled. In this installment, Alicia stands the chance to lose those who are closest to her as she perseveres on to find out the truth.
I loved it! Eileen Harris has captured my heart over the last couple of months with her Antique Magic and Desert Shadow and I am glad that Antique Forgery has managed to live up to my expectations.
I would like to point out that the writing style of the author has remained the simple yet likeable – like in her other two books. It’s with the everyday common language that Eileen Harris spins her web and this book is no exception. I felt comfortable right from the beginning. The mystery in this book has only one huge red herring, but what herring it is! I was feeling quite disappointed that the plot is so simple and certainly did not see the twist coming. I was left dumbstruck when the complete plot was revealed. Awesome is the only word that I have for it. Barry, Nick & Lawrence from book one made an appearance as expected. And though I was not sure whether I would miss Naomi’s mouthwatering dishes, Eileen delivered Laudine to keep those taste buds going haywire.
The best thing about this series is Alicia. She is one of the partners of an Antique Store in Scottsdale, Arizona – that’s her occupation. She is not an investigator by profession or by choice. But she continuously finds herself in situations that test her. Eileen Harris has built up such a practical and strong character in Alicia that when she is investigating the happenings around her, she takes the most practical and logical approach. Not once during the two books did Alicia come out as a Professional Detective, but she remained true to her character – and antique dealer with a penchant of getting into trouble. When she investigates, she is really bringing together the clues that are right in front of all of us – so it is not over the top or larger than life – yet it is something that manages to keep you guessing.
This book had two other future predictions for Alicia, so I am hoping that there’s going to be a book three in the series. So, Ms.Harris if you are reading this – please hurry up with it so I get to go on another adventure with Alicia soon. In the meantime, you all – go and give these first two books in the series a try.