Silver Linings

Silver Linings - Kaylee Baldwin

Home Matters was a sweet story and so I did not hesitate about picking up the next novella in the series.

We formally meet Drew, who made a guest appearance in Home Matters, at not a very good phase of his stage. He comes from money but has given up his position in the family business, severed ties with his parents, donated his trust fund to charity and is now meeting up his best friend Jace as he needs to find a new direction in his life. Eden and Drew meet at a most awkward moment where Eden helps him out. Eden herself has few woes of her own – a degree she wanted and a sick mother to tend for isn’t the best situation. To make matters worse, Eden and Jace are dating! Yes, you heard me right. So, we follow their stories to find out whether they find what they were looking for or not.

The characters once again are quiet loveable and well developed. I absolutely loved Eden and her car. It is endearing to know Drew, a man who follows his heart no matter what. The narration of the story is simple and engaging. The plot, while predictable, holds it own quite well. This is a story of love, devotion and commitments. My only complaint with the book is the relationship between Drew and Eden. I personally don’t approve of relationships between bestfriend’s girlfriend and boyfriend’s best friend. I know that it happens in real life and that love really doesn’t have rhyme or reason and still it’s a very personal opinion of mine.

So go ahead and pick this one up for an hour of the sweetest emotions!