
First the good things about the book - the language and the narration style are informal and easy to get into. The plot and the concept behind the plot are intriguing. There are a number of interesting characters that you will love to like and love to hate. The storyline has a pace that is relaxed and hence every time I turned a page, I did not have the urge to go back and read it again with the fear that I may have missed something. As for the disadvantages of this book, one of its biggest advantages turns into a disadvantage before long. The informal language and narration style that initially invited me in initially, soon became something monotonous and not much attractive. It is difficult to be special while using common and everyday young adult language to tell a story and I think this was one of the instances where it didn’t just click. Also, there is minimum character growth and story development with a sudden ending to the book that left me feeling unsatisfied.
I may pick up the sequel to see where the plot goes and if there is any character development, but I doubt I would pick this one up for a second read. This is a one time read and forget sort of a book that failed to make a lasting impression irrespective of the fact that I hardly noticed time flying by while I was reading it.